Perfect Pentecost

Hi this week for R.E we were focusing on Pentecost. After we learnt all about Pentecost including the ten days before Pentecost and tongue of fire. Next we then needed to make a slideshow about the day of Pentecost and what we have learnt from the lesson. My slideshow is below tell me what you think in the comments.

What do you know about Pentecost?

Perfect Poster

Hi this week in R.E we needed to make creative presentation of a message or quote that people should follow and do like God. We could do a poster or a video and many more but I chose to do a poster, I did this on paper and my message/quote was don’t take things for granted because you don’t know when they will disappear, I chose this because I think this is a great message to follow because its so true.

Comment below what you think is a great quote or message to follow?

Terrific Text Features

Hi this week in reading we were learning about text features. Our learning goal was to identify some text events and features, and discuss what they make the reader think about and identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important and to try to acheive summarizing as readers . First read a book about Elon Musk and it was very inspiring  as we were reading the book we were looking at the different types of text features and learned about them. Then we had to go off and make a poster and show what we have learn’t specifically different types of text features and what they mean. My Poster is below. Comment down below a Text feature and what is means or helps the reader do.


Elsie’s Excellent Island

Hi for the past few weeks we have been learning about the earth systems once we learnt about them we needed to make a island or world about what we have learnt. We could create this digitally, with paper mache or a model I chose to do it on minecraft because it’s faster and you can make it look better and I called it Elsie’s Island. Mine is below. After, we had to write a blurb about it and show how we put and element of each earth system in our world/island. What would you put in your island or world.


Our learning goal for this week was to Independently predict, interpret and analyse text, ‘reading between the lines’ to gain a deeper meaning. Hi this week in reading we read a book called MeMe it’s about a girl called Nina that made up this girl called MeMe in her head and the fake girl Me Me is basically her online friend until things take a turn the link for the book is below to fine out more. For our create task we had to make a chart and write the pros and cons of having a phone, but we also needed to include some quotes from the book and write the meaning of them. My create is below. Do you have a phone?


Hi this week in reading we read about rocks. After reading all about rocks we then had to make a poster that included information about 5 different rocks and 4 questions we still have about them. My learning goal was to make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions, using more sophisticated texts.

My Create is below.

What do you know about rocks?

Fantastic Future Me Letter

Hi this week for writing we had to make a letter but not just any letter a letter for our future self. In our letter we could in include some of the following things, some of the things we like now, our dreams and what we want to be when we grow up and even more they are just 2 ideas that are a good to include. My learning goal was to write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text. Which I am pretty sure I completed in my letter. My letter is below.

What would you write in a letter to your future self?

Reading About Roller Coasters

Hi this week I have read about roller coasters and all the in’s and outs about them. For our create task we had to make some questions that you would ask making a roller coaster we also had to create a roller coaster we could so this on minecraft or we could draw the roller coaster. I chose to do it on mine craft because I’m not a a very good drawer. My google slide with the questions and my minecraft is down below.

Have you been on a Roller Coaster?

Magnificent Math Create

Hi last week in math for our math create we had to create a 5 step pattern and make a rule for it my rule was that each time on each side of the shape one more circle is added or that you multiple the position number by 4 and then add 1 because of the circle in the middle of the cross so (4P)+1. Then we had to make a table to show the pattern clearer. Mine is below. Our learning goal was to use graphs, tables, and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns.

Do you know how many circles would be in the 7th position?